
NZ Herald

New Zealand’s Best Mobile News App

iOS Development

Android Development

QA Testing

Code Review

The New Zealand Herald brings the latest breaking news, articles, photos, videos, blogs, reviews, analysis and opinions from here and around the world.

The Challenge

Suffering with major issues around speed and stability within their existing application, the New Zealand Herald approached us with the Rugby World Cup fast approaching. They wanted us to revive their existing platform into an app worthy of New Zealand’s most trusted news outlet.

NZME, the owners of NZ Herald, were looking for a trusted party to not only build a great app that delivered an engaging experience but also a partner for ongoing support, maintenance and enhancements.

Voyager Media Awards Best News App 2018

The NZ Herald app is designed to deliver the latest and most relevant news to users, anywhere, anytime! Access the very latest in news, sports and entertainment from award-winning journalists. The app enables users to opt into alerts, save content to view/read later, create their own personal reading lists and much more.

The Process

After an initial review of the existing code, it soon became clear that the problems were far worse than we had first anticipated. The existing code had our team shaking their heads in disbelief, and we considered a complete rebuild. However, with a condensed timeline, we soon realised that this would be near-on impossible. This left a full review and updates to the existing code as the only feasible option.

The Result

Our developers were able to revive the app from an unstable headache into a seamless, intuitive and award-winning user experience. As of 2015, we have maintained a long and successful partnership with the NZ Herald. Today, we continue to provide updates and refinements to their award-winning app.

The refreshed app is designed to deliver the best news reading experience, anywhere, anytime!