Take a Breath
Anxiety is about to take its last breath.
UX/UI Design
iOS Development
Android Development
Front-End Development
Server-Side Development
QA Testing
Take a Breath is an online learning portfolio that teaches you about stress, the brain, and why you need to breathe correctly, right now. With a focus on the most high-risk industry sectors such as farming, construction, law, and health, the question was always the same. What’s common between all these sectors that are experiencing stress and anxiety?

The Challenge
It became evident that the focus of stress and anxiety needed to be firmly on the mechanics of the human brain. And that it wasn’t just these sectors that were the focus, this applied to every person of every age and that anxiety and stress do not discriminate. It became clear that when we understand the science, the direct and causal link between the physiology of stress and anxiety and the way we breathe, then a solution to making a difference can be realised.

The Solution
The solution is Take a Breath, a world-first digital platform that educates those how to better manage their stress and anxiety with short succinct videos and online quizzes that measures and tracks your progress.
Ensuring the interface was intuitive and enjoyable to use was of utmost importance, with a user-centric approach at the forefront. With a stunning people experience that role out over time across the workplace to keep users engaged.

The Result
While the online platform provided an innovative way to educate people on the importance of breathing correctly, it became apparent how vital it was to remind the user to complete their breathing exercises. Because of this, we developed the reminders app to sit alongside the platform. Here, users can define the interval and period they would like to receive exercise reminders. Users can also participate in the Take a Breath weekly challenge where they are encouraged to complete a series of questions related to anxiety, sleep and mood and see their improvements as the week progresses.