March 29, 2023

Biggest Tech Battle Started Again


The biggest tech battle started again!

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has been making significant strides with many tech giants launching new platforms and products vying for dominance in the field. The most notable products that came out of this competition are OpenAI’s Chat GPT, Microsoft’s 365 Copilot for Work, and Google’s Bard. The cutting-edge technology and innovative features of these products have captured the attention and recognition of many.

In this blog, we will explore a comparison of the three: OpenAI’s Chat GPT, Microsoft’s 365 Copilot for Work, and Google’s Bard, which are currently making waves in the tech world.


1.OpenAI’s Chat GPT

OpenAI has recently launched the latest version of its popular language generation platform, Chat GPT 4. This new platform features advanced natural language processing capabilities, making it more accurate and efficient than its predecessors.

  • General-purpose language model that can be used for various applications. 
  • Mature language model that has been extensively tested and used in production
  • Most versatile

Unlock the power of AI language generation with Putti’s latest blog post on the highly anticipated release of GPT-4! Discover the cutting-edge technology and innovative features that are sure to revolutionize the industry. Click through now to stay ahead of the curve and learn more.


2. Microsoft’s 365 Copilot for Work 

Microsoft’s 365 Copilot for Work, which is customized for enhancing workplace efficiency, is presently in preview and is not yet widely accessible.

  • Highly specialized and designed specifically for the workplace productivity
  • This is powered by GPT-4 from OpenAI and will sit alongside Microsoft 365 apps much like an assistant appearing in the sidebar as a chatbot that allows MS Office users to summon it to generate text in documents, create PowerPoint presentations based on Word documents, or even help use features like PivotTables in Excel.
  • Relatively new and still undergoing development. 

Are you ready to take your productivity and collaboration to the next level? Discover how Microsoft’s 365 Copilot for Work will transform the workplace with its innovative AI technology. Don’t miss out on valuable insights – click through to our latest blog post now!


3. Google BARD

Google’s Bard is a language model designed specifically for generating poetry and song lyrics. It is designed to mimic the style and tone of various famous poets and authors, allowing users to generate high-quality content quickly and easily.

  • Unique and powerful tool for creative expression.
  • Designed to help businesses generate more engaging and personalized content for their customers, it has been integrated into Gmail and other Google apps. 
  • Currently in preview and not yet generally available. Relatively new and still undergoing development. 

Our latest blog post explores how Google’s new AI system, BARD, is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology and changing the game for businesses in every industry



While all three language models are designed to improve communication and productivity, each of these products has its strengths and weaknesses, and the competition between them is intense.

As the field of NLP continues to evolve, we can expect to see more competition between major players like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google. And as these companies push the boundaries of what’s possible with language models, we’re likely to see even more innovative and powerful tools emerge in the years to come.


Supremacy in the world of technology

Don’t miss out on the latest updates as the tech giants battle it out for supremacy in the world of technology. Stay tuned for more exciting developments and insights into this intense competition

Find out how partnering with Putti can benefit your organization and discover our range of services on the Putti website. We have the potential to be a game-changer in shaping the future of AI language generation.

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